We are thrilled to announce our exciting involvement with the China International Import Expo (CIIE) 2023, as part of the 56 companies representing Singapore to exhibit in CIIE 2023 - where we will showcase our award-winning TCM-based skincare and wellness products. Join us from 5th to 10th November 2023.

As a leading advocate for holistic well-being, WD TCM Lifestyle Group has garnered accolades for our exceptional TCM-based skincare and wellness products.

To reserve your consultation slot or to learn more about our participation in CIIE 2023, please visit our website or contact our dedicated team. We eagerly await your presence and the opportunity to introduce you to the wonders of TCM-based skincare and wellness. If you are keen to explore business partnerships with WD, feel free to reach out to us as well. We will be at Booth No. B2-03-10.

Join Us At CIIE November 2023



Shanghai Hongqiao National
Exhibition and Convention Centre